Sunday, January 26, 2014

11-yr old winter campout

A big thank you to fathers that came to a wintery campout this January, to help kick off 2014. 12-yr old scouts joined us! Here are some highlights:

Some outdoor cooking

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Bacon, bacon…and pancakes made the campout! Notice the fire extinguisher in the background.

We had a nice fire to keep warm by before and after sledding.

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Sunday, August 4, 2013

2013 11-year Old Scout Camp

What an incredible scout camp for the 11-year old boys this year!
Thank you parents for allowing your boys to participate!!! Thank you bishopric and primary presidency for supporting these things!
Here is a narrative…

They learned a lot !!

Lashings, First Aid, Orienteering with a compass, how to handle fire and an axe. Also honor by living the scout law (Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly Courteous, and so forth). 


Some dads came up to participate –thanks!!!

And they had some fun…

…playing in my hammock, "hanging out" and eating around the fire.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Dunes Campout (May 17-18, 2013)

What an amazing trip to the sand dunes, an hour and 1/2/ southwest of Provo.Thank you Mark Benson for inviting the 11-yr olds ! The older scouts taught them some great cooking skills. Here are some highlights.

What do boys do when they meet sand?

They dig ! …


and dig some more…



Then they burry themselves.


And they eat great food –that they cook.


New 11-yr old scouts fulfilled the following requirements for Tenderfoot.

  • Spend at least one night on a patrol or troop campout. Sleep in a tent you have helped pitch.
  • On the campout, assist in preparing and cooking one of your patrol's meals.
  • Present Yourself to your leader, properly dressed, before going on an overnight camping trip.

Scouter Norm Warren and Mark Benson

Sunday, March 3, 2013

11-yr Old Campout (March 1-2)

What an incredible weekend to enjoy snow camping –and we got a cabin !!! We were also fortunate to have all the fathers join us. As you can see, we didn’t waste any time getting our meals ready.

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And no time wasted for playing in the snow. We went night-sledding (with the car’s lights) and then more sledding in the morning.

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Both boys fulfilled the following requirements for Tenderfoot.

  • On the campout, assist in preparing and cooking one of your patrol's meals.
  • Present Yourself to your leader, properly dressed, before going on an overnight camping trip.

Scouter, Norm

Sunday, September 16, 2012

11-yr Old Campout (Sept 14-15)

Another enjoyable night in American Fork canyon, next to a creek. We were fortunate to have guests, Machiel, David, and Sam with us.


For several of the scouts, this means they have achieved 3 nights of camping for First Class (requirement 3).

After an almost full-night’s rest, we drove up the canyon to explore other good places to camp and to find a good tree on which to hang our traditional Pinada. In the pics you can see how anxious the boys are for when the candy falls.




Sunday, July 1, 2012

Scout Camp (June 29-30, 2012)

What an amazing experience for the boys ! Thank you primary presidency for making this possible! Here are some of the highlights.

The Secret Angry Chickens –their unit flag and name.


What the boys learned

First Aid (bite, serious burns, heat exhaustion, …the list goes on)


Knots and lashings


The details surrounding our national anthem

StoryOfStarSpangledBanner                   Orientation

Mother gets to teach son


Other pictures

Porter and Connor enjoying a bowl of chicken soup.


Sunday, May 6, 2012

Troop 660 Campout (May 4-5, 2012)

Troop 660 went camping on May 4-5. We camped at American Fork Canyon. Thank you parents for letting your children experience the adventure of scouts!

The troop gang!


Thank you Brady Mitchell for coming with us and adding your experience with camping!

What was accomplished for advancement?

  • Principle of leaving no trace.(2nd Class)
  • Meal preparation and cleanup (Tenderfoot)
  • Plan and cook 1 meal (use food guide pyramid) (2nd class)
  • Use the tools listed in requirement 3c to prepare tinder, kindling, and fuel for a cooking fire. (2nd Class)
  • Spend at least one night on a patrol or troop campout. Sleep in a tent you have helped pitch. (Tenderfoot)

Here are some photos and some brief commentary.

Scott and Connor caught fish!

ScottOrtonSpam&Fish ConnorMillerCaughtFish

We celebrated Cinco De Mayo!


The Unicorn’s head became a trophy.

UnicornHead1 UnicornHeadProfile

The Unicorn’s hoofs were used for "capture the Unicorn’s hoofs”…akin to Capture the Flag.


Thank you scouts for planning and cooking breakfast!


Seasoned camper & father (Brady) and son (Joe)

BradyMitchell JoeMitchell