Thank you parents for allowing your boys to participate!!! Thank you bishopric and primary presidency for supporting these things!
Here is a narrative…
What an amazing trip to the sand dunes, an hour and 1/2/ southwest of Provo.Thank you Mark Benson for inviting the 11-yr olds ! The older scouts taught them some great cooking skills. Here are some highlights.
What do boys do when they meet sand?
They dig ! …
and dig some more…
Then they burry themselves.
And they eat great food –that they cook.
New 11-yr old scouts fulfilled the following requirements for Tenderfoot.
Scouter Norm Warren and Mark Benson
What an incredible weekend to enjoy snow camping –and we got a cabin !!! We were also fortunate to have all the fathers join us. As you can see, we didn’t waste any time getting our meals ready.
And no time wasted for playing in the snow. We went night-sledding (with the car’s lights) and then more sledding in the morning.
Both boys fulfilled the following requirements for Tenderfoot.
Scouter, Norm